How to Plan a Pet Memorial Service

A young boy releasing butterflies into the sky during a heartfelt pet memorial service, symbolizing the soul of a beloved pet being set free and remembered with love.

We love our pets. Dealing with their passing can feel like a kick to the gut but having a memorial service for them can help you deal with the grief. Don’t feel silly for wanting to plan an event; it’s a great way to remember your furry buddy–of course, grieving for pets like reptiles is also more than justified.

Let’s talk about a few ideas for memorial services. Remember, this is a way to help you deal with your loss, so it can be as lowkey or as extravagant as you’d like–there are no rules here!

Is a Memorial Different than a Funeral?

A memorial service happens after a funeral service. For pets, the events are more informal, so you can schedule the service whenever you’d like. If your pet was well known with your friends and family, host the memorial on the weekend so everyone can attend.

Ideas for a Pet Memorial

Candle-lighting Ceremony

A candlelight ceremony is a lovely way to honor your pet and deal with the passing. Candles have long been a symbol of light for the deceased. You and whoever is participating can light individual candles while people share thoughts and read poems and passages. Another option is to just have one candle for your pet, which will be lit as people share a few words.

Release Ceremony

Having a release ceremony for your pet is a beautiful way to symbolically free them. You could do this with floating lanterns, balloons, or butterflies. Whatever you decide to use, make sure it is biodegradable. Children often get excited about release ceremonies, and it can be a great way to help lift their spirits.

Memory Slideshow

Create a slideshow of all the wonderful memories you made with your pet. You can sit down with your family and friends and remember just how amazing your little friend was. Include funny pictures to lighten the mood and get people smiling.

Readings and Prayers

For a more intimate memorial service, gather around with family (or anyone else who was close to your pet) and share thoughts, read poems, and say prayers. You could do this during a funeral, but since memorial services happen after the initial shock of the death has passed, people can better prepare their final goodbye.

Make it a Fun Event

Tears are all a part of the grieving process, and don’t be surprised if your feelings are surging during the memorial service. Although the event is a time to be sentimental, you can also make the service fun and warm. Invite friends over, provide tasty snacks and treats, and make drinks to honor your pet (kids could toast with apple cider). You get to plan it however you’d like!

Final Thoughts

Nothing will replace your pet, but a memorial service will help you cope with the loss. If someone in the family is struggling more than others (especially children), ask them to help plan the service. Whatever you decide to do, we hope the event helps you find a little bit of peace and comfort.

Ready to begin your journey towards healing? Create a heartfelt pet memorial today and take the first step in honoring your beloved companion's memory. Let's start this healing process together.

Start Healing with a Pet Memorial

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